Upcoming Live, Virtual and In-Person Training Events 2023
Published on December 16, 2022
Upcoming Live Virtual and In-Person Training Events
Following are upcoming virtual and in-person instructor-led training events recognized through the Colorado Shines Training Alignment Process (TAP). Courses with a fee are marked with ($). In-person events are indicated as such, all others are virtual. Certificates will be available through your Colorado Shines PDIS account after the training events except where noted.
Dec. 15, 2022: Coaching Community of Practice: Supporting All Learners in Childcare Settings 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm (1.5 hours) For credentialed coaches. To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. (FREE)
Jan. 7, 2023: Calming Chaos by Promoting Positive Behavior 9:00am - 2:00pm (4.5 hours social-emotional) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($30)
Jan. 11-12, 2023: Calming Chaos by Promoting Positive Behavior 6:00pm - 8:30pm (4.5 hours social-emotional) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($30)
Jan. 12, 2023: Interactions Through CLASS Lens - Colorado Childcare Consulting 6:00pm - 8:30pm (2.5 hours) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($30)
Jan. 13, 2023: Childcare Read Certification Training - Literacy Engagement for Early Child Care Providers 9:00am - 2:00pm In-person event Limon (4 hours) Participants receive a starter library and guides to support literacy. To register, contact Karen Murphy, karen@coloradohumanities.org or (719) 440-5884. (FREE)
Jan. 13-14, 2023: Brain Gym 104 - 26 Movements: Making the Body Brain Connection with Movement Based Learning 9:00am - 5:00pm (14 hours) In-person in Boulder or attend virtually. Visit Integrated Learning Academy to register. Contact Jeannette (info@integratedlearningacademy.com or 970.379.9270) with any questions. ($335)
Jan. 18-19, 2023: Calming Chaos by Promoting Positive Behavior 6:00pm - 8:30pm (4.5 hours social-emotional) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($30)
Jan. 24-25, 2023: Let’s Get Comfortable with ECERS-3 - Colorado Childcare Consulting 6:00pm - 9:00pm on the 24th and 6:00pm - 8:30pm on the 25th (5.5 hours social-emotional) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($50)
Jan. 28, 2023: Combating Bias in Early Education: From Conversation to Practice 9:00am - 2:00pm (4.5 hours) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($30)
Feb. 1, 2023: Making the Most of Classroom Interactions 12-week course on Wednesdays 6:00pm – 8:30pm (30 hours social-emotional) Please see registration information for scheduled dates. To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. Fee due before first class. ($525)
Feb. 11, 2023: Combating Bias in Early Education: From Conversation to Practice 9:00am - 2:00pm (4.5 hours) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($30)
Feb. 15, 2023: Transformational Coaching 11-Session course (38.5 hours) – Please see registration information for scheduled dates, times, and cost. To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. Fee due before first class. ($1,295)
Feb. 15-16, 2023: Calming Chaos by Promoting Positive Behavior 6:00pm - 8:30pm (4.5 hours social-emotional) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($30)
Feb. 21-22, 2023: Calming Chaos by Promoting Positive Behavior 6:00pm - 8:30pm (4.5 hours social-emotional) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($30)
Feb. 25, 2023: Calming Chaos by Promoting Positive Behavior 9:00am - 2:00pm (4.5 hours social-emotional) To register, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>My Calendar. Click on the training title then select Request. ($30)
To register:
Click on the above links to navigate to training details and register. Additional training events will be posted in the My Calendar menu option in Colorado Shines PDIS as they become available. You may contact the PDIS Help Desk, 1.844.447.4441 or cdec_pdishelp@state.co.us, if you need assistance with any Colorado Shines PDIS registration.
Directors and Professional Development Coordinators:
Visit Available TAP Recognized Training to view a list of training you may arrange for your program. Contact the Training Alignment Coordinator, Mary Heffernan, mary.heffernan@state.co.us, if you’d like to offer training through TAP and the Colorado Shines PDIS or visit Apply to Have Your Training Appear in PDIS (TAP).
Relationship-Based Care and Trauma-Responsive Care Training Opportunities:
Visit Available TAP Recognized Training to view training topics in these subject areas. Contact a trainer in your geographic area to discuss options and arrange for a training session.
eLearning Opportunity to Support Caregivers Who Work with Infants and Toddlers:
Start Strong: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Foundations and Resiliency in Infants and Toddlers is provided by Conscious Discipline and made available to Colorado early childhood professionals by Early Learning Ventures. This eLearning experience addresses the needs of the adult caregiver first, and then addresses the needs of the child during the critical early years of development. Earn 12 social-emotional clock hours. Login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select Learning>Learner Home and enter the course title into the search bar.
Introduction to Universal Design and Project Include:
An online self-paced course introducing universal design concepts to include children of all ability levels in early childhood environments. This course is the first step to participating in Project Include: Early Childhood Access through Adaptive Technology. Participating in Project Include is not a requirement to take this course. To register for the online self-paced course, login to Colorado Shines PDIS, select the main menu navigation then Learning>Learning Search. Enter the course title into the search bar, select the course, and then Open Curriculum. El curso está disponible en español: Introducción al Diseño Universal - El Centro de Diseño e Ingeniería Inclusivos de la Universidad de Colorado Denver.